Large Current Choke Coil LQN6C/LQS66C Series The LQN6C/LQS66C series are choke coils which have achieved low direct current resistance, large current capacity and large inductance by using high performance thick wire wrapping technology. Because the LQS66C series has a shielded construction, it can be mounted in high density without interference occurring between peripheral components. They are optimum for use as choke coils in DC/DC converters and DC power supply circuits. FEATURES 1. Both the LQN6C series with its open magnetic path construction and the LQS66C series with its magnetic shielding construction allow application to a wide variety of uses. 2. The inductance range covers from 0.12μH up to 10000μH allowing minute compatibility with the E6 series at 1μH to 1000μH. 3. Because the direct current resistance is small as well as the voltage drop and power consumption being small also, they are optimum for use as choke coils for DC power supply circuits.